Sunday, August 7, 2016

Yard Sale Update

We've had an amazing response to our request for yard sale donations. The hours spent pricing and sorting is crazy, but we're nearing the home stretch. My mom and I spent about 5 hours sorting through everything and trying to stage as much as we possibly could.

Here's a picture of just the stuff that's in their garage. There's more stuff in the top of their garage. Friday will be a short work day for me. The plan is to go over to my parent's house after my short work day and start bringing everything together. It's then moving stuff onto tables according what what the items may be used for. We'll be double checking the stuff for pricing.

I've made signs, so we plan on putting them out on Friday as well. One of my work friends told me about a couple of groups on Facebook where I can post the yard sale information for free. I just hope it generates enough interest for people to come browse! 

As a reminder, the Scentsy party is still going on. Check out this post if you missed it!

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