Friday, August 26, 2016

The Power of 'Thank You'

I, for the most part, am a positive person. I like to smile at strangers, say, "Hello" and "Have a good day" to people on the elevator, and strike up conversations with people I've passed by several times. For the most part, I am rather introverted, but I've learned that a simple smile can change a person's day. A simple act of kindness can turn someone's day around and you'd never even know it.

Part of this process is thanking people who help us. Maybe it was the way I was raised, learning that it was of most importance to write thank you cards to those who have given you gifts or helped you in some way. I purchased a 20 pack of cards for $2 at Walmart and the Saturday after the yard sale, I sat myself down and penned about a half dozen cards.

Snail mail is a rare occurrence these days, outside of receiving bills. When one of my cards was received by its recipient, I received a very nice message in response. I was thrilled to know that such a simple act could make someone happy.

So, for those of you who may be reading this and are in the same boat we are, remember to write those thank you cards! It could make all the difference in the world to someone on the other side.

Lots of Love,

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